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#Business ID: 37089

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Franchised Licensed Family Restaurant & Bar massive opportunity Sunshine Coast

Business Location: Queensland, Australia

Asking Price: AU$ 450,000 Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

This store is a massive opportunity for the right owner.
All brand new, Franchisors have it up and running for a new owner to take over and take it to the level of 36 other stores across Australia. Be part of the most supportive Franchise I have ever seen. Beautifully presented store with high tech equipment that is the best you could ever own.
If you think you're the right person do not discount contacting us as the Franchisors are willing to help with finance to assist the right person to take over.
* Current trading hours 7 days 8am to 10pm
* Growth within the region for this business to boom
* Quality plant & equipment (list is available)
* 24 years of know how for you to take advantage of from Franchisors
* All stock comes out of head offices manufacturing distribution channels (No worries about lack of product they have this covered)
* Support, Training, & Marketing by Franchisors so you get on with running the store and make sure your customers keep coming back time after time.
* The location has a wonderful family atmosphere. (Kids eat free Sundays)
* Systems & processes in place to take the guess work out of running a business
* Everything is automated to cut labor costs and wastage (giving you more on the bottom line)

Asking price $450,000 + SAV and legal costs (beautifully presented store)

Property Details

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