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#Business ID: 36779

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Highly Profitable Supermarket In Country Tasmania KI Foodworks Net Profit 1 Working Owner> $500,000

Business Location: Tasmania, Australia

Asking Price: not disclosed Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary


We are proud to present a supermarket business located on King Island Tasmania which has been established for approx 40 years with no competition from the Big 2 SUPERMARKETS. Business is very well known locally and enjoys excellent community support.
Store presentation is immaculate, weekly specials, wider aisles and clear labelling help customers to find the products easily. This Foodworks sells an array of items across various departments such as groceries, frozen food, fruit & veg, Grab n Go meals, meat, deli, confectionery and much more.
Located in a busy area of Currie, customers are primarily locals. Still, the town gets busy in summers with many tourists visiting the island and the golfers from around the world who come to the island to play at the popular international golf courses.
One of the owners works full time with a team of experienced and loyal staff. Owners have done all the hard work over the years to create a business model which is easy to operate. All the systems and procedures are in place for smooth operations.
This is an ideal opportunity for a working couple or experienced operators looking for a sea change. King Island is growing with the opening of the Scheelite mine at Grassy which will bring more workers to the island. The area is enjoying renewed growth, from the buoyant agricultural sector.
Business is growing, higher profits enjoyed by working owners or employ a manager and control the business operations remotely, the choice is yours.
King Island Foodworks is for sale as a leasehold or as a freehold going concern. Only qualified buyers will be supplied with the financial information.
Enquire today, as an opportunity like this, is rare and would not last long.
Our professional business brokers can be reached by phone or email. Call business Broker Paul Scott on 0477 771 098. [email protected] or Praveen Pant on 0432 256 682. INTENDING PURCHASERS TO MAKE THEIR OWN INVESTIGATIONS AND ENQUIRIES IN RELATION TO THE BUSINESS AND NOT TO RELY UPON WARRANTY OR STATEMENT MADE BY THE VENDOR OR BY ANYONE ON HIS/HER BEHALF; Please Note: All figures quoted are approximate.

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