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#Business ID: 37337

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Inner Sydney Mixed Billing clinic. 8 drs remaining

Business Location: NSW, Australia

Asking Price: not disclosed Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

Located in a highly desirable, affluent, growing inner west suburb of Sydney, this clinic has been established for 16 yrs! W/ 7x CR's, 1x CR for allied, a 2x bed tx rm, 1x path rm + a staff meeting/lunchroom, the clinic also sub-leases a medical gym for elderly + chronically ill pts. ($2,200 + GST/12), has 7-8 GPs paying 30% service fees & allied health (podiatry + dietitian) paying 30% + 20% respectively of their billings. Path pay $5k/12 + GST & is on site 5 days/wk. There are 2x P/T RNs to maximize the drs efficiencies 5x days/wk. 

MB since pre-COVID, 25% of pts seen are private. W/ 6x car parks + lots of on-street pkg, nearby residents walk to see their GP. As a teaching practice, they keep a lot of their regs as the culture is lovely! Fully equipped & very well known, this practice acquisition will be a great addition to your portfolio!

Plenty of drs wanting to wk in this clinic live locally. Using BP (paperless, everything is electronic, incl faxes), this clinic gives remote access for the drs, allowing them to finish off any admin at home giving them a better work/life balance and reducing time pressure stress. 

The business owners also own the building & can offer a long-term lease ($215,000 pa + GST + on-costs); or can sell the bldg in time. Current lease exp Aug 2023 & can be renegotiated for a new buyer. Accredited w/ AGPAL in 2020, the next audit is due in 2024.

Drs are all on contracts & all staff are on contracts too! A pediatric VMO supports pts & aviation medicine is offered too! WIPS + PIPS go to the owner, 100% of SIPS goes to the dr supervisor. There is another supervisor on mat leave, returning April '23 so they can facilitate another reg onboarding in Aug 2023.

This is an underutilized practice w/ growth opportunities to explore! Site visits would be at a mutually agreed time after hours after an initial online meeting.
* Broker: Sally Stuart
* M: 0437 082 045
* E: [email protected]

To complete an online CA, visit this business and enquire now at:

Some details of the business for sale are confidential & disclosure is subject to completing a CA together with the discretion of the broker. Purchasers are required to make their own enquiries in order to verify the information provided.
Ref: NSW10650
Timestamp: 20230204020051

Property Details

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