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#Business ID: 36040

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Multidisciplinary Allied Health NDIS Clinic Business #5410BH Queensland

Business Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Asking Price: $2,000,000 WIWO Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

Ideal time to purchase a high-class, quality, multidisciplinary allied health, paediatric, NDIS clinic located in a booming suburb only 30 minutes from Brisbane City. The sale price is based on its incredible, demonstrable continued and potential growth.

*The clinic is located in spacious, absolutely first-class premises
*The NDIS registered clinic offers 5 allied health disciplines.
*This clinic was established by the current owner 4 years ago
*The business is growing rapidly and substantially every year
*Targeted growth plan with a forecast turnover for 2024 is $5 million+.
*Excellent reliable staff
*Currently operates 5 days/week, but there's scope to operate on weekends
*Very large premises, 400+ square metres
*Low rent and outgoings, approx. $3,000/wk
*Current lease expires in 9 years (option available)

$2,000,000 WIWO

The photos in this ad are not a true representation of the business for sale. Please ensure that you are in a financial position to purchase this business prior to making an enquiry.

To find out more information about this business for sale, please complete the confidentiality agreement quoting reference number: 5410BH

Business Broker: Arnold P Kelsey | 0458 073 621 | [email protected] Head Office | P: 07 3368 4010| E: [email protected]

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