Business Summary
Thriving online sales business for sale. Selling children's products via numerous platforms such as:
Website ,Catch ,Kogan, MyDeal, DickSmith, Ebay, Etsy, Amazon, Facebook and Google.
NDIS approved supplier, state of the art website and back-end systems. Branding, POS, packaging, new website, accounting systems, reporting all in place to the highest level. Highly rated on all online platforms and social media. Over 5,500 sales in just 2 years. Business was started in 2020 so the owners could work from home with a young family. The business has grown beyond expectations and needs full time attention. Fantastic opportunity to own an established brand with both a retail and wholesale customer base. Margins are enormous. This business has the potential to make the new owner an incredible profit. Seller needs to move on, don't miss this unique opportunity.
To find out more information about this business for sale, please complete the confidentiality agreement quoting reference number: 5415PR Business Broker: Nick Standring| 0405 833 253 |
[email protected] Head Office | P: 07 3368 4010| E:
[email protected]
Property Details