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#Business ID: 38229

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Panel and Facade Cladding Business Brisbane #5554SR

Business Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Asking Price: $398,000 + SAV Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

This business is an industry leader in the fabrication and installation of facades for both the exterior and interiors of commercial buildings.

Trading successfully since 1998, the business has established a formidable reputation for service delivery and quality in the provision of commercial facades including, Solid aluminium panel, Non-combustible aluminium panel, aluminium composite panel, solid aluminium sunscreens (perforated and lasercut), and aluminium honeycomb panel products.

Servicing the whole of Queensland and northern New South Wales, with an impressive client list including Multiplex, Bovis L/L, Rendezzo, and the Wagner Group to name just a few.

Key Points:

* Sales for 2023 are in excess of $1.38 million
* Significant pipeline of work in place
* Can be scaled up to take advantage of many available projects
* Excellent net return to a working owner
* Factory rent a reasonable $2,848 per calendar month
* Experienced team in place
* Owner currently occupies an administrative role

This business is ideally suited to an organisation looking for growth through acquisition, or for someone looking to take advantage of the opportunities offered by a business with a substantial repeat client base, strong market position and a reputational competitive advantage.

$398,000 + SAV

To find out more information about this business, please complete the confidentiality agreement quoting reference number: 5554SR

Broker: Hugo Martin| E: [email protected] | P: 0411 617 140
Head Office | P: 07 3368 4010| E: [email protected]

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