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#Business ID: 36806

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Profitable & Well Established Café Franchise Major Shopping Centre ACT

Business Location: Canberra, ACT, Australia

Asking Price: AU$ 170,000 Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

Current Sales at $60k pm with Owner/Manager - Sale Price $170k +SAV

This franchise was established in June 2012 in this major Westfield Shopping Centre in this busy & highly desired District in Canberra ACT.

Features & Benefits
* Established since 2014.
* Good Profits with potential to improve
* Excellent cafe location within this large Shopping Centre.
* The business has always had consistent sales.
* An Owner/Manager who enjoys working in hospitality will be able to maximize further on the Café's location and improve sales and profits further.
* Easy to manage franchised business. No experience required. Full initial & ongoing training provided by head office.
* Reasonable asking price. Capital Return in just over 2 years
* All employees are happy to continue working for the new owner if required.
* Long lease which expires in April 2026. With good tenant conduct, there should be no issue with getting another 5 years term at the end of this lease.

Buyer needs to be approved by Head Office as a franchisee & by the landlord as a lessee
This business is a great opportunity for someone looking to buy an established and profitable Coffee franchise at a very reasonable price. A passionate, fully dedicated and passionate owner will certainly be able to improve this business further and reap the rewards.

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