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#Business ID: 36398

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Sporting Goods Retail Store in Regional NSW

Business Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Asking Price: AU$ 395,000 Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

Located in one of NSW's busiest regional hubs, this business belongs to a network of over 70 specialist sporting goods retailers across Australia.
* Exceptional security of tenure with unbelievable lease (initial term 10 years with 4 x Five year options to renew).
* Sales revenue exceeding $1,715,000 in 2021 Financial year.
* Business Operations

* Monday to Friday 830am - 515pm
* Saturday 830am - 1230pm

This regional city is home to a university campus and has a large focus on local sports including Rugby league, AFL, Cricket, Rugby Union, basketball, soccer, etc.

Stockists of local and International brands such as  Nike, Adidas, Asics, New Balance, Puma, Converse, Champion, Sherrin, Kookaburra, Spalding, 2XU and Skins, plus a great range of specialty sports equipment.

Sporting goods are one of the fastest growing retail sectors in the world. This business has very limited competition and even offers online retail components.

Combined with a broad supply of local school uniforms and accessories.

Highlight of the business for sale
* Consistent cashflow.
* Head office support for owners towards finance, Merchandise and marketing functions, operations and business training.
* Low staffing requirements and an exceptional lifestyle business for an owner operator.
* Excellent main street exposure in a well laid out site.
* Excellent social media engagement via Facebook with a sales funnel to online purchasing.
* Ducted Air Conditioning throughout.
* Under full management.
* Nearly 20 years of continuous operations.
* Captured market with limited competition.

Great work/life balance to owners.

You've been waiting for a profitable business offering a work/life balance. This is it! Submit your enquiry today.

Listing ID: NSW10453
Broker: Jason Cursley
Phone: +61 424 949 712
Email: [email protected]

To find out more, press the "Enquire Now" button to complete an online confidentiality agreement.

Note that some details of the business for sale are confidential and disclosure is subject to completing a Confidentiality Agreement and the discretion of the broker.

Stock photo images may be used to represent the business on an unidentified basis.  Purchasers are required to make their own enquiries in order to verify the information provided.
Ref: NSW10453
Timestamp: 20220930020020

Property Details

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