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#Business ID: 37141

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Steel Importing Supply Business Perth

Business Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Asking Price: $850,000 + SAV Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

This steel importing and specialty retail business is one of a kind.

A an excellent opportuntiy to acquire a resilient, COVID-proof business with consistent financial results with a strong pipeline of future revenue. This well regarded business has a list of enviable clients within a niche market, thus little competition.

This very successful, and profitable business specialises in in the sale of structural steel, specialising in the steel resale market.

The buyer would be one with a keen interest in the steel industry / rural products, and is ready to take it to the next level.

One of the owners would be willing to continue in the business if of interest to the buyer for a period of time.

- Trusted and reputable business estalished for many years.
- Consistent sales results through
FY22 - $5.8m
FY21 - $4.5M
FY20 - $4.6M
- Repeat contracts through loyale customer base
- High net profit of $500,000+ for one Owner Operator

Asking $850,000 + SAV (approx. $1.2 - $1.5M currently)

Plant & Equipment included in asking price, worth approximately $160,000.

Property Details

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