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#Business ID: 36719

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Sth East Wholesale/Retail Timber Yard & Hardware

Business Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Asking Price: AU$ 4,950,000 Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

This long-established family-owned and run business was first established 30 years ago. The business has a tremendous name in the industry even amongst its peers.

The business supplies a wide range of products including decking, treated pine, hardware, stains, fencing, sleepers, framing, plywood, fiber cement, lattice, moldings, flooring, beams, roofing, joists, landscape logs, posts, structural timbers, weatherboards, external and internal cladding, I-Beams, L.V.L.'s, laminated beams and a whole lot more.

Timbers range includes, Hardwoods, Cypress, Jarrah, Spotted Gum, Tallowwood, Turpentine, Western Red Cedar, Blackbutt, Ironbark, Treated Building Poles, Design Pine, Treated Pine, Pine, Plywood, Mouldings, Weathertex products also selling range of high-quality imported hardwoods

The business sits on a large site accessible to the highway for deliveries and easy access for its loyal commercial customer base.

The business also offers design and engineering advice with its software package that enables it to design a range of structural components from bearers and joists to rafters, roof beams, and more.

There are key staff (management) within the business, as well as a dedicated long-term team. The business runs smoothly without the sellers being present due to its systems and procedures and established customer base.

Turnover 2022 - $9,000,000
EBITDA - $1,500,000
Assets - $360,000
Freehold Option to purchase
Asking Price - POA

Property Details

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