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#Business ID: 38189

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Sunshine Coast Plastering business #5499IN

Business Location: Queensland, Australia

Asking Price: $225,000 WIWO Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

The business has a proud history starting back in 2008, building itself on referrals and has excellent relationships with many key National and locally recognised building & construction companies.

Based on the Sunshine Coast, with a client base stretching from Gympie to the Northside of Brisbane. Specialising in the supply and installation of Plasterboard, metal stud and track framing as well as suspended ceilings for Residential and Commercial sectors.

* Seller is very happy to stay on for a period of time to hand over and introduce the new buyer to suppliers, builders, and contractors.

* Client base of 70% residential and 30% commercial & other.

* Sales for the 22/23 Financial will be approximately $1.1 million, the previous last 2 years being $800,000

* An excellent team of staff and an apprentice, that will continue with the business.

* Strong confirmed Work in progress already in place for the next 12 to 18 months

* The business does not have a leased space, though will come with plant & equipment encompassing scaffolding, trestles and stock.

* A QBCC license will be required

This is a great opportunity for a buyer to expand their own company or come in as a hands on operator like the seller and continue the success.

Asking Price: $225,000 WIWO

To find out more information about this business for sale, please complete the confidentiality agreement quoting reference number: #5499IN
Broker: Mark Kitson| E: [email protected]| P: 0405 293 644 Head Office | P: 07 3368 4010| E: [email protected]

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